Add refactored Day 10 Part 2 for clarity.

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Adam Millerchip 2020-12-11 23:36:41 +09:00
parent dba1986b34
commit 80c393e6ba
2 changed files with 44 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -52,6 +52,12 @@ than that, because we don't need to keep the connections around, just the weight
Finally, the weight of the max joltage adapter is the answer.
** Update **
I added day10part2-refactored.exs, which contains a commented and arguably easier to understand
version that uses Enum.reduce instead of so much recursion. However, in benchmarks it was
negligibly (~1 microsecond) slower, so I decided to leave the original version in place.
| Overall Thoughts |

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
defmodule Day10Part2 do
def run do!("input")
|> String.split("\n", trim: true)
|> count_arrangements()
|> IO.puts()
# Entry point. Start with one arrangement: the outlet.
def count_arrangements(list), do: count_arrangements(%{0 => 1}, [0 | Enum.sort(list)])
# Termination point. We've checked all the adapters. The number of arrangments
# to the last adapter is the answer.
def count_arrangements(arrangements, [last]), do: arrangements[last]
# Check each adapter in turn by comparing it to the next three adapters.
def count_arrangements(arrangements, [current | rest]) do
count_for_adapter(current, Enum.take(rest, 3), arrangements)
|> count_arrangements(rest)
# Compare the next three adapters to the current adapter.
# For each checked adapter, if the joltage difference is 3 or less, we can connect them,
# so add the number of arrangements up to the current adapter to that adapter.
def count_for_adapter(current, next_three, arrangements) do
Enum.reduce(next_three, arrangements, fn adapter, arrangements ->
if adapter - current <= 3 do
current_count = arrangements[current]
Map.update(arrangements, adapter, current_count, &(&1 + current_count))