Day 15 Parts 1 and 2

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Adam Millerchip 2020-12-15 15:02:47 +09:00
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commit bbb8ba7251
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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
My (attempted) solutions to [Advent of Code 2020]( in Elixir.
<img width="978" alt="image" src="">
<img width="978" alt="image" src="">
## Strategy

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
Day 15 Notes
| Part 1 |
$ elixir day15.exs 2020
Separate function to set the initial state.
Store the last two round numbers for each answer.
If it's the first time, store the same round number twice, which results in 0
when subtracted.
| Part 2 |
$ elixir day15.exs 30000000
I'm not sure if this was supposed to be brute-forcible.
I think it is and that I designed the algorithm efficiently in the first part.
The answer is a bit slow, but that's probably due to all the map updates. Using
a more efficient data structure would probably speed it up - guessing this is
faster in mutable languages.
Anyway, no code changes here, so for this excercise I decided to combine the
two answers, and just specify the last round via the command-line.
| Overall Thoughts |
Did this one pretty quickly. May even have time to go back to day 13 and learn
about the Chinese Remainder Theorem...

day15/day15.exs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
defmodule Day15Part1 do
@input [18, 8, 0, 5, 4, 1, 20]
def run do
[stop] = System.argv()
start(@input, nil, 1, String.to_integer(stop), %{})
|> IO.puts()
def start([], last, round, stop, state), do: play(last, round, stop, state)
def start([num | rest], _last, round, stop, state) do
start(rest, num, round + 1, stop, Map.put(state, num, {round, round}))
def play(num, stop, stop, state) do
{a, b} = state[num]
b - a
def play(num, round, stop, state) do
{a, b} = state[num]
say = b - a
state = Map.update(state, say, {round, round}, fn {_a, b} -> {b, round} end)
play(say, round + 1, stop, state)