#!/usr/bin/env elixir defmodule Day9 do def part1(input) do {size, _, spaces, _, disk, files} = Enum.reduce(input, {0, 0, 0, true, %{}, []}, fn len, {idx, id, spaces, file?, disk, files} -> if file? do disk = Enum.into(idx..(idx + len - 1), disk, fn i -> {i, id} end) files = if file?, do: for(_ <- 1..len, do: id) ++ files, else: files {idx + len, id + 1, spaces, not file?, disk, files} else {idx + len, id, spaces + len, not file?, disk, files} end end) for i <- 0..(size - spaces - 1), reduce: {0, files} do {checksum, files} -> case Map.fetch(disk, i) do {:ok, block} -> {checksum + block * i, files} :error -> [block | files] = files {checksum + block * i, files} end end |> elem(0) end # Super inefficient, but this is the 2nd attempt after trying to be more efficient # worked on the sample but not the actual input def part2(input) do {_, _, _, disk, files} = Enum.reduce(input, {0, 0, true, %{}, []}, fn len, {idx, id, file?, disk, files} -> if file? do disk = Map.put(disk, idx, {:file, id, len}) files = [{idx, id, len} | files] {idx + len, id + 1, not file?, disk, files} else disk = Map.put(disk, idx, {:space, len}) {idx + len, id, not file?, disk, files} end end) Enum.reduce(files, disk, fn {idx, id, len}, disk -> # This scans the disk every time. Could possibly optimise by storing the known # eligible spaces separately case Enum.find(0..(idx - 1), &match?({:space, gap} when gap >= len, disk[&1])) do nil -> disk space_idx -> {:space, spaces} = Map.fetch!(disk, space_idx) disk = disk |> Map.delete(idx) |> Map.put(space_idx, {:file, id, len}) remainder_spaces = spaces - len if remainder_spaces > 0 do Map.put(disk, space_idx + len, {:space, remainder_spaces}) else disk end end end) |> Enum.reduce(0, fn {_idx, {:space, _}}, checksum -> checksum {idx, {:file, id, len}}, checksum -> for idx <- idx..(idx + len - 1), reduce: checksum do checksum -> checksum + idx * id end end) end def input do with [input_filename] <- System.argv(), {:ok, input} <- File.read(input_filename) do for <>, do: String.to_integer(c) else _ -> :error end end ####################### # HERE BE BOILERPLATE # ####################### def run do case input() do :error -> print_usage() input -> run_parts_with_timer(input) end end defp run_parts_with_timer(input) do run_with_timer(1, fn -> part1(input) end) run_with_timer(2, fn -> part2(input) end) end defp run_with_timer(part, fun) do {time, result} = :timer.tc(fun) IO.puts("Part #{part} (completed in #{format_time(time)}):\n") IO.puts("#{inspect(result)}\n") end defp format_time(μsec) when μsec < 1_000, do: "#{μsec}μs" defp format_time(μsec) when μsec < 1_000_000, do: "#{μsec / 1000}ms" defp format_time(μsec), do: "#{μsec / 1_000_000}s" defp print_usage do IO.puts("Usage: elixir day9.exs input_filename") end end Day9.run()