defmodule Day5Part1 do def run do!("input") |> |> Enum.max() |> IO.puts() end def seat_id(boarding_pass) do {row_spec, col_spec} = boarding_pass |> String.trim() |> String.to_charlist() |> Enum.split(7) row = Enum.reduce(row_spec, {0, 128}, fn ?F, {front, 2} -> front ?B, {front, 2} -> front + 1 ?F, {front, count} -> {front, div(count, 2)} ?B, {front, count} -> {front + div(count, 2), div(count, 2)} end) col = Enum.reduce(col_spec, {0, 8}, fn ?L, {left, 2} -> left ?R, {left, 2} -> left + 1 ?L, {left, count} -> {left, div(count, 2)} ?R, {left, count} -> {left + div(count, 2), div(count, 2)} end) row * 8 + col end # ALTERNATIVE PARSER ADDED AFTER READING OTHER SUBMISSIONS # The boarding pass is actually just a binary number, so we can parse it as such directly. # (The *8 above is eqivalent to the 3-bit shift to the left) def char_to_bit(c) when c in 'FL', do: <<0::1>> def char_to_bit(c) when c in 'BR', do: <<1::1>> def seat_id_bitstring(boarding_pass \\ "FBFBBFFRLR") do boarding_pass = String.trim(boarding_pass) <> = for <>, into: <<>>, do: char_to_bit(char) id end end