Day 9 Notes +--------+ | Part 1 | +--------+ $ elixir day9part1.exs 18272118 Thoughts: Searching inside a sliding window. Tricky to write efficiently in an immutable language. I knew what I wanted to do, but working out how to write that took a lot of thought. The solution completes in just over 1ms, so I'm pretty happy with it. Every time the window slides, I decided to sort it, which means I could take the following shortcuts: * When selecting the first number in the pair, stop early if added to the first number in the preamble it's greater than the target, because we know the rest of the numbers are also too large. * Similarly can do the same when checking for the second number in the pair. * Avoids comparing pairs we already compared, by only searching from the location of the first value onwards. +--------+ | Part 2 | +--------+ $ elixir day9part2.exs 2186361 Thoughts: Initially hard-coded the answer from part 1, but then decided to re-use part one and pass it as an input to keep the solution fully dynamic. Similar to part 1, but now we have to check an unknown number of adjacent items. Again stop checking each group as soon as the sum is too big, and move to the next group. This answer also completes in about a millisecond (not including part 1). P.S. I accidentally copied part 1 over part 2 after solving this, and had to write the solution again 🤦🏼♂️ +------------------+ | Overall Thoughts | +------------------+ The most challenging thing here was working out how to write it in an immutable, recursive way cleanly. I was considering using the :array module, but I think I managed to get everything working nicely with lists without the need to do lots of expensive list-indexing. Pretty sure both answers are O(nlogn). Probably will tidy up this more later, especailly Part 1, but done for now.