defmodule Day5 do def part1(input) do Enum.count(input, &nice?/1) end def nice?(str) do at_least_three_vowels(str) and twice_in_a_row(str) and not String.contains?(str, ["ab", "cd", "pq", "xy"]) end def at_least_three_vowels(str) do str |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.frequencies() |> Map.take(["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]) |> Map.values() |> Enum.sum() |> Kernel.>=(3) end def twice_in_a_row(<>), do: true def twice_in_a_row(<<_x, rest::binary>>), do: twice_in_a_row(rest) def twice_in_a_row(<<>>), do: false def part2(input) do Enum.count(input, &nice2?/1) end def nice2?(str) do pairs = pairs(str) uniq = length(pairs) > MapSet.size(uniq) and sandwich(str) end def pairs(str, prev \\ nil) def pairs(<>, <>), do: pairs(<>) def pairs(<>, _prev), do: [<> | pairs(<>, <>)] def pairs(<<_>>, _prev), do: [] def sandwich(<>), do: true def sandwich(<<_x, y, z, rest::binary>>), do: sandwich(<>) def sandwich(_), do: false def input do with [input_filename] <- System.argv(), {:ok, input} <- do input |> String.split("\n", trim: true) else _ -> :error end end ####################### # HERE BE BOILERPLATE # ####################### def run do case input() do :error -> print_usage() input -> run_parts_with_timer(input) end end defp run_parts_with_timer(input) do run_with_timer(1, fn -> part1(input) end) run_with_timer(2, fn -> part2(input) end) end defp run_with_timer(part, fun) do {time, result} = IO.puts("Part #{part} (completed in #{format_time(time)}):\n") IO.puts("#{result}\n") end defp format_time(μsec) when μsec < 1_000, do: "#{μsec}μs" defp format_time(μsec) when μsec < 1_000_000, do: "#{μsec / 1000}ms" defp format_time(μsec), do: "#{μsec / 1_000_000}s" defp print_usage do IO.puts("Usage: elixir day5.exs input_filename") end end