defmodule Day14 do # Cyclical linked list # Use a map, with a ref as the key. # Each element contains the value, and next pointer # Keep two pointers for the current recipies defmodule Recipe do defstruct ~w/score next/a end defmodule State do defstruct ~w/recipes first_elf second_elf last target count target_count last_seq desired_sequence/a end def init(target_count) do desired_sequence = target_count |> Integer.to_string() |> String.split("", trim: true) |> |> List.to_tuple() last_seq = (for(_i <- 1..(tuple_size(desired_sequence) - 2), do: nil) ++ [3, 7]) |> List.to_tuple() first_elf = System.unique_integer() second_elf = System.unique_integer() %State{ first_elf: first_elf, second_elf: second_elf, last: second_elf, target: nil, target_count: target_count, count: 2, desired_sequence: desired_sequence, last_seq: last_seq, recipes: %{ first_elf => %Recipe{score: 3, next: second_elf}, second_elf => %Recipe{score: 7, next: first_elf} } } end def combine_recipes(a, b) do (a + b) |> Integer.to_string() |> String.split("", trim: true) |> end def append_score(score, %{last: prev_last, recipes: recipes} = state) do last_seq = state.last_seq |> Tuple.delete_at(0) |> Tuple.append(score) last = System.unique_integer() updated_recipes = recipes |> Map.put(prev_last, %Recipe{recipes[prev_last] | next: last}) |> Map.put(last, %Recipe{score: score, next: recipes[prev_last].next}) state = %State{ state | last: last, recipes: updated_recipes, count: state.count + 1 } state = if state.count === state.target_count do %State{state | target: last} else state end if state.last_seq === state.desired_sequence do state else %State{state | last_seq: last_seq} end end def next_recipe(current, 0, _recipes), do: current def next_recipe(current, steps, recipes) do next_recipe(recipes[current].next, steps - 1, recipes) end def next_recipes(%{first_elf: first_elf, second_elf: second_elf, recipes: recipes} = state) do %State{ state | first_elf: next_recipe(first_elf, recipes[first_elf].score + 1, recipes), second_elf: next_recipe(second_elf, recipes[second_elf].score + 1, recipes) } end # Set the target pointer when the target count is reached def set_target(%{count: target, last: last} = state, target), do: %State{state | target: last} def set_target(state, _target), do: state def compute_recipes(%{count: count, target_count: target} = state) when count >= target + 10, do: state def compute_recipes(%{first_elf: elf1, second_elf: elf2, recipes: recipes} = state) do combine_recipes(recipes[elf1].score, recipes[elf2].score) |> Enum.reduce(state, &append_score/2) |> next_recipes() |> compute_recipes() end def next_ten_scores(_recipes, _current, scores, 10), do: scores def next_ten_scores(recipes, current, scores, count) do next = recipes[current].next scores = scores <> Integer.to_string(recipes[next].score) next_ten_scores(recipes, next, scores, count + 1) end def part1 do state = init(330_121) |> compute_recipes() next_ten_scores(,, "", 0) end # Part 2 # Produce recipes until the last 6 are the puzzle input # Then the answer is the count before those 6 def find_sequence(%{desired_sequence: desired, last_seq: desired, count: count}) do count - tuple_size(desired) end def find_sequence(%{first_elf: elf1, second_elf: elf2, recipes: recipes} = state) do if rem(state.count, 100_000) == 0 do IO.puts((state.last_seq |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.join()) <> " (#{state.count})") end combine_recipes(recipes[elf1].score, recipes[elf2].score) |> Enum.reduce(state, &append_score/2) |> next_recipes() |> find_sequence() end # TODO both 1245 and the actual answer are +1. Fix. def part2 do IO.puts("tests...") init(51589) |> find_sequence |> IO.puts() init(1245) |> find_sequence |> IO.puts() init(92510) |> find_sequence |> IO.puts() init(59414) |> find_sequence |> IO.puts() IO.puts("answer: (after about 20M items)...") init(330_121) |> find_sequence end end