defmodule Day10Part2 do def run do!("input") |> String.split("\n", trim: true) |> |> count_arrangements() |> IO.puts() end # Entry point. Start with one arrangement: the outlet. def count_arrangements(list), do: count_arrangements(%{0 => 1}, [0 | Enum.sort(list)]) # Termination point. We've checked all the adapters. The number of arrangments # to the last adapter is the answer. def count_arrangements(arrangements, [last]), do: arrangements[last] # Check each adapter in turn by comparing it to the next three adapters. def count_arrangements(arrangements, [current | rest]) do count_for_adapter(current, Enum.take(rest, 3), arrangements) |> count_arrangements(rest) end # Compare the next three adapters to the current adapter. # For each checked adapter, if the joltage difference is 3 or less, we can connect them, # so add the number of arrangements up to the current adapter to that adapter. def count_for_adapter(current, next_three, arrangements) do Enum.reduce(next_three, arrangements, fn adapter, arrangements -> if adapter - current <= 3 do current_count = arrangements[current] Map.update(arrangements, adapter, current_count, &(&1 + current_count)) else arrangements end end) end end