Day 15 Notes +--------+ | Part 1 | +--------+ $ elixir day15.exs 2020 253 Thoughts: Separate function to set the initial state. Store the last two round numbers for each answer. If it's the first time, store the same round number twice, which results in 0 when subtracted. +--------+ | Part 2 | +--------+ $ elixir day15.exs 30000000 13710 Thoughts: I'm not sure if this was supposed to be brute-forcible. I think it is and that I designed the algorithm efficiently in the first part. The answer is a bit slow, but that's probably due to all the map updates. Using a more efficient data structure would probably speed it up - guessing this is faster in mutable languages. Anyway, no code changes here, so for this excercise I decided to combine the two answers, and just specify the last round via the command-line. +------------------+ | Overall Thoughts | +------------------+ Did this one pretty quickly. May even have time to go back to day 13 and learn about the Chinese Remainder Theorem...