Day 21 Notes +--------+ | Part 1 | +--------+ $ elixir day21part1.exs 1829 +--------+ | Part 2 | +--------+ $ elixir day21part2.exs sp contains peanuts gkcqxs contains fish krjn contains shellfish bpbdlmg contains soy mxkh contains dairy bvh contains nuts rgc contains sesame tdbcfb contains wheat mxkh,gkcqxs,bvh,sp,rgc,krjn,bpbdlmg,tdbcfb +------------------+ | Overall Thoughts | +------------------+ Not much to say about this problem. I didn't really enjoy it much. I mostly just fiddled about with the data until it reduced down to the required information. The process of elimination - identifying the allergen with just 1 ingredient and using that to decude the other options, was very similar identifying the tickets in Day 16.