Day 3 Notes +--------+ | Part 1 | +--------| $ elixir day3part1.exs Travelled (969, 323) and encountereed 270 trees Thoughts: Input repeats, so use Stream.cycle/2. Need to keep track of the x-offset, pass it to +--------+ | Part 2 | +--------| $ elixir day3part2.exs 2122848000 Thoughts: Modify original answer to take x and y velocity. Can just pass x velocity in as before. Use Enum.take_every/2 to skip unneeded rows for y velocity. +------------------+ | Overall Thoughts | +------------------+ Pretty simple, because Stream.cycle/2 takes care of the tricky bit. Thankfully I answered part 1 in a way that made part 2 just a small change to add Enum.take_every/2. In part 1, was tracking the travelled distance in antipication for part 2, but turns out it wasn't needed, so stopped tracking the y value in the accumulator for part 2.