defmodule Day7 do def input_to_graph do input_pattern = ~r/Step (\w) must be finished before step (\w) can begin./!("input") |>, &1, capture: :all_but_first)) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn [from, to], routes -> Map.update(routes, from, [to], fn tos -> [to | tos] end) end) end def count_predecessors(graph) do Enum.reduce(graph, %{}, fn {step, _children}, counts -> counts = Map.put_new(counts, step, 0) count_predecessors(counts, counts[step], graph[step], graph) end) end def count_predecessors(counts, _, nil, _), do: counts def count_predecessors(counts, level, children, graph) do child_lvl = level + 1 Enum.reduce(children, counts, fn child, counts -> counts = Map.update(counts, child, child_lvl, fn existing -> max(existing, child_lvl) end) count_predecessors(counts, counts[child], graph[child], graph) end) end def resolve_steps(graph, steps) when map_size(graph) === 1 do [{penultimate, ultimates}] = Map.to_list(graph) Enum.reverse(steps) ++ [penultimate | Enum.sort(ultimates)] end def resolve_steps(graph, steps) do before_counts = count_predecessors(graph) [next | _] = Enum.filter(before_counts, fn {_, count} -> count === 0 end) |> {step, _count} -> step end) |> Enum.sort() resolve_steps(Map.delete(graph, next), [next | steps]) end def time_for(step), do: hd(String.to_charlist(step)) - 5 def get_work({graph, counts, in_progress}) do case Enum.filter(counts, fn {_, count} -> count === 0 end) |> {step, _count} -> step end) |> Enum.sort() do [] -> {nil, {graph, counts, in_progress}} [step | _] -> {{step, time_for(step)}, {graph, Map.delete(counts, step), [step | in_progress]}} end end def get_work_done(completed_step, {graph, _counts, in_progress}) do graph = Map.delete(graph, completed_step) counts = count_predecessors(graph) |> Map.drop(in_progress) get_work({graph, counts, in_progress}) end def all_prerequisites_allocated?(graph, in_progress) do map_size(Map.drop(graph, in_progress)) === 0 end def tick(workers, graph, counts, in_progress, seconds) do {workers, {graph, counts, _}} = Enum.map_reduce(workers, {graph, counts, in_progress}, fn nil, acc -> get_work(acc) {step, 0}, acc -> get_work_done(step, acc) {step, remaining}, acc -> {{step, remaining - 1}, acc} end) {workers, graph, counts, seconds + 1} end def finish_up(workers, counts, seconds) do remaining_workers = workers |> Enum.filter(fn worker -> worker != nil end) |> {_, time} -> time end) |> Enum.max() # This assumes the number of remaining jobs will not be greater than the remaining # workers. That's probably a bad assumption so if the answer is wrong I'll # come back and fix this. if map_size(counts) > length(workers) do raise("Number of final jobs greater than remaining workers") end remaining_queued = (counts |> {step, _} -> time_for(step) end) |> Enum.max()) + 1 seconds + remaining_workers + remaining_queued end def work(workers, graph, counts, seconds) do in_progress = workers |> Enum.filter(fn worker -> worker != nil end) |> {step, _} -> step end) if all_prerequisites_allocated?(graph, in_progress) do finish_up(workers, counts, seconds) else {workers, graph, counts, seconds} = tick(workers, graph, counts, in_progress, seconds) work(workers, graph, counts, seconds) end end def part1, do: input_to_graph() |> resolve_steps([]) |> Enum.join() def part2 do graph = input_to_graph() counts = count_predecessors(graph) workers = for _ <- 1..5, do: nil work(workers, graph, counts, 0) end end IO.puts(Day7.part1()) IO.puts(Day7.part2())