defmodule Marble do defstruct [:cw, :ccw] end defmodule Game do defstruct [:current, :next, :circle, :players, :active, :scores, :marbles] def start(players, marbles) do game = %Game{ current: 0, next: 1, circle: %{0 => %Marble{ccw: 0, cw: 0}}, players: players, active: 1, scores:, &{&1, 0}), marbles: marbles } play(game) end def next_turn(%Game{next: next, marbles: marbles} = game) when next > marbles do game.scores |> Map.values() |> Enum.max() end def next_turn(%Game{players: players, active: active} = game) do next = active + 1 next = if next <= players, do: next, else: 1 play(%Game{game | active: next}) end def insert(circle, val, ccw, cw) do circle |> Map.put(val, %Marble{ccw: ccw, cw: cw}) |> Map.update!(ccw, &%Marble{&1 | cw: val}) |> Map.update!(cw, &%Marble{&1 | ccw: val}) end def remove(circle, val, ccw, cw) do circle |> Map.delete(val) |> Map.update!(ccw, &%Marble{&1 | cw: cw}) |> Map.update!(cw, &%Marble{&1 | ccw: ccw}) end def find_remove(cw, circle, 1) do remove = circle[cw].ccw ccw = circle[remove].ccw {remove, ccw, cw} end def find_remove(current, circle, dec) do find_remove(circle[current].ccw, circle, dec - 1) end def play(%Game{current: current, next: val, circle: circle} = game) when rem(val, 23) == 0 do # Find and remove the item 7 items over {remove, ccw, cw} = find_remove(current, circle, 7) circle = remove(circle, remove, ccw, cw) # Update the player's score scores = Map.update!(game.scores,, &(&1 + val + remove)) game = %Game{game | current: cw, next: val + 1, circle: circle, scores: scores} next_turn(game) end def play(%Game{current: current, next: val, circle: circle} = game) do one = circle[current].cw two = circle[one].cw game = %Game{game | current: val, next: val + 1, circle: insert(circle, val, one, two)} next_turn(game) end end defmodule Day9 do def part1 do input =!("input") pattern = ~r/(\d+) players; last marble is worth (\d+) points/ [players, marbles] =, input, capture: :all_but_first) |> Game.start(players, marbles) end # Probably supposed to make this more efficient, but it still runs in 30 seconds... def part2 do input =!("input") pattern = ~r/(\d+) players; last marble is worth (\d+) points/ [players, marbles] =, input, capture: :all_but_first) |> Game.start(players, marbles * 100) end end IO.puts(Day9.part1()) IO.puts(Day9.part2())