Day 11 Notes +--------+ | Part 1 | +--------+ $ elixir day11part1.exs 2238 Pretty simple brute force that just iterates the full grid, checking the surrounding seats for each case. The main point seemed to be that the state was calculated immediately, which means we need to keep the original state around while building the new state. +--------+ | Part 2 | +--------+ $ elixir day11part2.exs 2013 Added check_visible_in_direction to check the full line of sight, rather than just the adjacent squares, and converted occupied_adjacent to occupied_visible to take advantage of the new function. +------------------+ | Overall Thoughts | +------------------+ Naive, kind of slow brute-force techniques today. Could look into a more efficient solution, but I didn't find the problem that interesting so will leave it here. What's a nice way to track/visualise a coordinate grid in Elixir? 🤔