defmodule Star do defstruct [:pos_x, :pos_y, :vel_x, :vel_y] def move_all(stars, secs) do, &move(&1, secs)) end def move(star, secs) do %Star{star | pos_x: star.pos_x + star.vel_x * secs, pos_y: star.pos_y + star.vel_y * secs} end end defmodule Day10 do @input_pattern ~r/=< ?(-?\d+), ?(-?\d+)>.*=< ?(-?\d+), ?(-?\d+)>/ def parse_line(line) do [pos_x, pos_y, v_x, v_y] =, line, capture: :all_but_first) |> %Star{pos_x: pos_x, pos_y: pos_y, vel_x: v_x, vel_y: v_y} end def init do!("input") |> end # Start with the first star, then compare all the others to find the extremities def bounding_box([%Star{pos_x: x, pos_y: y} | _] = stars) do Enum.reduce(stars, {x, y, x, y}, fn star, {min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y} -> { min(star.pos_x, min_x), min(star.pos_y, min_y), max(star.pos_x, max_x), max(star.pos_y, max_y) } end) end def draw(stars) do starfield =, fn star -> {star.pos_x, star.pos_y} end) {min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y} = bounding_box(stars) grid = for y <- min_y..max_y, x <- min_x..max_x do eol = if x === max_x, do: "\n", else: "" char = if MapSet.member?(starfield, {x, y}), do: "#", else: " " char <> eol end Enum.join(grid) end def aligned?(stars) do starfield =, fn star -> {star.pos_x, star.pos_y} end) Enum.all?(stars, &aligned?(&1, starfield)) end def aligned?(star, starfield) do neighbours = [ {star.pos_x - 1, star.pos_y - 1}, {star.pos_x - 1, star.pos_y}, {star.pos_x - 1, star.pos_y + 1}, {star.pos_x, star.pos_y - 1}, {star.pos_x, star.pos_y + 1}, {star.pos_x + 1, star.pos_y - 1}, {star.pos_x + 1, star.pos_y}, {star.pos_x + 1, star.pos_y + 1} ] Enum.any?(neighbours, &MapSet.member?(starfield, &1)) end def wait_for_alignment(stars, count) do if aligned?(stars) do {stars, count} else stars |> Star.move_all(1) |> wait_for_alignment(count + 1) end end def go do {stars, count} = init() |> wait_for_alignment(0) IO.puts(draw(stars)) IO.puts("#{count} seconds") end end Day10.go()