179 lines
6.8 KiB
179 lines
6.8 KiB
defmodule Day13 do
defmodule Cart do
defstruct dir: nil, turn: :left
defmodule Parser do
# track pieces
# | - / \ +
# Carts
# ^ v < >
# Inital cart = straight track underneath
# Sample input:
# /->-\
# | | /----\
# | /-+--+-\ |
# | | | | v |
# \-+-/ \-+--/
# \------/
def parse_file(filename) do
rows =
|> String.split("\n")
|> Enum.map(&String.to_charlist/1)
{_, track, carts} =
Enum.reduce(rows, {0, %{}, %{}}, fn row, {row_idx, track, carts} ->
{_, _, track, carts} = Enum.reduce(row, {row_idx, 0, track, carts}, &parse_char/2)
{row_idx + 1, track, carts}
{track, carts}
defp parse_char(?\s, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts}) do
{row_idx, col_idx + 1, track, carts}
defp parse_char(cart, args) when cart in '^v<>', do: parse_cart(cart, args)
defp parse_char(track, args) when track in '|-/\\+', do: parse_track(track, args)
defp parse_cart(?^, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts}) do
carts = Map.put(carts, {row_idx, col_idx}, %Cart{dir: :up})
parse_track(?|, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts})
defp parse_cart(?v, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts}) do
carts = Map.put(carts, {row_idx, col_idx}, %Cart{dir: :down})
parse_track(?|, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts})
defp parse_cart(?<, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts}) do
carts = Map.put(carts, {row_idx, col_idx}, %Cart{dir: :left})
parse_track(?-, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts})
defp parse_cart(?>, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts}) do
carts = Map.put(carts, {row_idx, col_idx}, %Cart{dir: :right})
parse_track(?-, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts})
defp parse_track(char, {row_idx, col_idx, track, carts}) do
track = Map.put(track, {row_idx, col_idx}, <<char::utf8>>)
{row_idx, col_idx + 1, track, carts}
# Plan:
# Build a giant coordinate map containing what piece of track is at a coordinate
# (spaces with no track can be skipped)
# Build a separate map of carts
# Carts should contain their location, dir, and next turn
# -> Sort the map each tick to determine cart order
# For a tick, go through each cart and update it's location (key), dir, and next turn
# - if there's a collision, we can stop early and return the location
def sort(carts) do
Enum.sort(carts, fn {{row1, col1}, _}, {{row2, col2}, _} ->
cond do
row1 < row2 -> true
row1 == row2 -> col1 <= col2
row1 > row2 -> false
def next_pos(row, col, %Cart{dir: :up}), do: {row - 1, col}
def next_pos(row, col, %Cart{dir: :down}), do: {row + 1, col}
def next_pos(row, col, %Cart{dir: :left}), do: {row, col - 1}
def next_pos(row, col, %Cart{dir: :right}), do: {row, col + 1}
def turn(cart, track) when track in ["-", "|"], do: cart
def turn(%Cart{dir: :left} = cart, "/"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :down}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :right} = cart, "/"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :up}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :up} = cart, "/"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :right}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :down} = cart, "/"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :left}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :left} = cart, "\\"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :up}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :right} = cart, "\\"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :down}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :up} = cart, "\\"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :left}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :down} = cart, "\\"), do: %Cart{cart | dir: :right}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :left, turn: :left}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :down, turn: :straight}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :left, turn: :straight}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :left, turn: :right}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :left, turn: :right}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :up, turn: :left}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :right, turn: :left}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :up, turn: :straight}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :right, turn: :straight}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :right, turn: :right}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :right, turn: :right}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :down, turn: :left}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :up, turn: :left}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :left, turn: :straight}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :up, turn: :straight}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :up, turn: :right}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :up, turn: :right}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :right, turn: :left}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :down, turn: :left}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :right, turn: :straight}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :down, turn: :straight}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :down, turn: :right}
def turn(%Cart{dir: :down, turn: :right}, "+"), do: %Cart{dir: :left, turn: :left}
def crashed?(pos, unmoved_carts, moved_carts) do
Map.get(unmoved_carts, pos) || Map.get(moved_carts, pos)
def tick([], _unmoved_carts, moved_carts, _track), do: {:tock, moved_carts}
def tick([{{row, col}, cart} | sorted_carts], unmoved_carts, moved_carts, track) do
# This cart is no longer unmoved (so it can't crash into itself)
unmoved_carts = Map.delete(unmoved_carts, {row, col})
next_pos = next_pos(row, col, cart)
if crashed?(next_pos, unmoved_carts, moved_carts) do
{:boom, next_pos}
next_track = Map.fetch!(track, next_pos)
moved_cart = turn(cart, next_track)
tick(sorted_carts, unmoved_carts, Map.put(moved_carts, next_pos, moved_cart), track)
def find_collision(track, carts) do
case tick(sort(carts), carts, %{}, track) do
{:tock, carts} -> find_collision(track, carts)
{:boom, {row, col}} -> "#{col},#{row}"
def part1 do
{track, carts} = Parser.parse_file("input")
find_collision(track, carts)
# Part 2.
# Instead of stopping on a crash, we should instead remove the two carts that crashed.
# Terminating condition is when there is only one cart left.
def tick2([], _unmoved_carts, moved_carts, _track), do: moved_carts
def tick2([{{row, col}, cart} | sorted_carts], unmoved_carts, moved_carts, track) do
unmoved_carts = Map.delete(unmoved_carts, {row, col})
next_pos = next_pos(row, col, cart)
if crashed?(next_pos, unmoved_carts, moved_carts) do
unmoved_carts = Map.delete(unmoved_carts, next_pos)
moved_carts = Map.delete(moved_carts, next_pos)
# Could have deleted an unmoved, so need to re-sort the remaining carts to process
tick2(sort(unmoved_carts), unmoved_carts, moved_carts, track)
next_track = Map.fetch!(track, next_pos)
moved_cart = turn(cart, next_track)
tick2(sorted_carts, unmoved_carts, Map.put(moved_carts, next_pos, moved_cart), track)
def find_last_cart(track, carts), do: find_last_cart(track, carts, sort(carts))
def find_last_cart(_track, _carts, [{{row, col}, _cart}]), do: "#{col},#{row}"
def find_last_cart(track, carts, sorted_carts) do
find_last_cart(track, tick2(sorted_carts, carts, %{}, track))
def part2 do
{track, carts} = Parser.parse_file("input")
find_last_cart(track, carts)