defmodule LineBot do alias LineBot.EventInfo @api_client Application.get_env(:line_bot, :api_client, LineBot.APIClient) @moduledoc """ A module for sending and receiving messages with the Line Messaging API. This module: * Provides functions for calling the various Line Messaging API endpoints. * Specifies a behaviour that defines event handlers which are called to handle [webhook event objects]( from the Messaging API. ## Callbacks If an event contains event-specific data, it is passed as the first argument to the event handler. Each callback is provided with a `t:LineBot.EventInfo.t/0` struct, which contains common metadata for each request. If available, a `reply_token` for use with the `send_reply/3` is included as the final argument. Unknown events are passed to `c:handle_other/4`. All of the callbacks are optional. If a callback is not implemented, the event will be ignored. """ @doc """ Called when a [Message event]( is received. """ @callback handle_message(message :: map, info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary) :: any @doc """ Called when a [Follow event]( is received. """ @callback handle_follow(info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary) :: any @doc """ Called when an [Unfollow event]( is received. """ @callback handle_unfollow(info :: EventInfo.t()) :: any @doc """ Called when a [Join event]( is received. """ @callback handle_join(info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary) :: any @doc """ Called when a [Leave event]( is received. """ @callback handle_leave(info :: EventInfo.t()) :: any @doc """ Called when a [Member Joined event]( is received. """ @callback handle_member_joined( members :: list, info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary ) :: any @doc """ Called when a [Member Left event]( is received. """ @callback handle_member_left(members :: list, info :: EventInfo.t()) :: any @doc """ Called when a [Postback event]( is received. """ @callback handle_postback( data :: any, info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary ) :: any @doc """ Called when a [Beacon event]( is received. """ @callback handle_beacon( data :: map, info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary ) :: any @doc """ Called when an [Account Link event]( is received. """ @callback handle_account_link( data :: map, info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary ) :: any @doc """ Called when a [LINE Things Scenario Execution event]( result) is received. """ @callback handle_things( data :: map, info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary ) :: any @doc """ Called when an unknown even it received. The `type` contains the unknown event type, and the full event is passed as the `event` argument. If a reply token was not present in the event, `reply_token` will be `nil`. """ @callback handle_other( type :: binary, event :: map, info :: EventInfo.t(), reply_token :: binary | nil ) :: any @optional_callbacks handle_message: 3, handle_follow: 2, handle_unfollow: 1, handle_join: 2, handle_leave: 1, handle_member_joined: 3, handle_member_left: 2, handle_postback: 3, handle_beacon: 3, handle_account_link: 3, handle_things: 3, handle_other: 4 defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do @behaviour LineBot def handle_message(message, info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_follow(info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_unfollow(info), do: :ok def handle_join(info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_leave(info), do: :ok def handle_member_joined(members, info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_member_left(members, info), do: :ok def handle_postback(data, info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_beacon(data, info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_account_link(data, info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_things(data, info, reply_token), do: :ok def handle_other(type, event, info, reply_token), do: :ok defoverridable LineBot end end @type api_response :: {:ok, map()} | {:unauthorized, map()} | {:forbidden, map()} | {:not_found, map()} | {:too_many_requests, map()} | {:server_error, map()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t()} defp try_get(uri, params \\ []) do case @api_client.get(uri, [], params: params) do {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} -> {:ok, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 401, body: body}} -> {:unauthorized, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 403, body: body}} -> {:forbidden, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 404, body: body}} -> {:not_found, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 429, body: body}} -> {:too_many_requests, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 500, body: body}} -> {:server_error, body} {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{} = error} -> {:error, error} end end defp try_post(uri, data \\ %{}) do case, data) do {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} -> {:ok, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 401, body: body}} -> {:unauthorized, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 403, body: body}} -> {:forbidden, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 404, body: body}} -> {:not_found, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 429, body: body}} -> {:too_many_requests, body} {:ok, %{status_code: 500, body: body}} -> {:server_error, body} {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{} = error} -> {:error, error} end end @doc """ Sends one or more [reply messages]( """ @spec send_reply( reply_token :: String.t(), messages :: [LineBot.Message.t()] | LineBot.Message.t(), notification_disabled :: boolean() ) :: api_response() def send_reply(reply_token, messages, notification_disabled \\ false) def send_reply(reply_token, messages, notification_disabled) when is_list(messages) do try_post("message/reply", %{ "replyToken" => reply_token, "messages" => messages, "notificationDisabled" => notification_disabled }) end def send_reply(to, message, notification_disabled), do: send_reply(to, [message], notification_disabled) @doc """ Sends one or more [push messages]( """ @spec send_push( to :: String.t(), messages :: [LineBot.Message.t()] | LineBot.Message.t(), notification_disabled :: boolean() ) :: api_response() def send_push(to, messages, notification_disabled \\ false) def send_push(to, messages, notification_disabled) when is_list(messages) do try_post("message/push", %{ "to" => to, "messages" => messages, "notificationDisabled" => notification_disabled }) end def send_push(to, message, notification_disabled), do: send_push(to, [message], notification_disabled) @doc """ Sends one or more [multicast messages]( """ @spec send_multicast( to :: [String.t()], messages :: [LineBot.Message.t()] | LineBot.Message.t(), notification_disabled :: boolean() ) :: api_response() def send_multicast(to, messages, notification_disabled \\ false) def send_multicast(to, messages, notification_disabled) when is_list(to) and is_list(messages) do try_post("message/multicast", %{ "to" => to, "messages" => messages, "notificationDisabled" => notification_disabled }) end def send_multicast(to, message, notification_disabled) when is_list(to) do send_multicast(to, [message], notification_disabled) end @doc """ Sends one or more [broadcast messages]( """ @spec send_broadcast( messages :: [LineBot.Message.t()] | LineBot.Message.t(), notification_disabled :: boolean() ) :: api_response() def send_broadcast(messages, notification_disabled \\ false) def send_broadcast(messages, notification_disabled) when is_list(messages) do try_post("message/broadcast", %{ "messages" => messages, "notificationDisabled" => notification_disabled }) end def send_broadcast(message, notification_disabled) do send_broadcast([message], notification_disabled) end @doc """ Calls the [Get content]( API. """ @spec get_content(message_id :: binary()) :: HTTPoison.Response.t() def get_content(message_id), do: @api_client.get!("message/#{message_id}/content") @doc """ Calls the [Get number of message deliveries]( API. """ @spec get_quota(date :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_quota(date), do: try_get("message/quota", date: date) @doc """ Calls the [Get number of messages sent this month]( API. """ @spec get_quota_consumption() :: api_response() def get_quota_consumption(), do: try_get("message/quota/consumption") @doc """ Calls the [Get number of sent reply messages]( API. """ @spec get_sent_reply_count(date :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_sent_reply_count(date), do: try_get("message/delivery/reply", date: date) @doc """ Calls the [Get number of sent push messages]( API. """ @spec get_sent_push_count(date :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_sent_push_count(date), do: try_get("message/delivery/push", date: date) @doc """ Calls the [Get number of sent multicast messages]( API. """ @spec get_sent_multicast_count(date :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_sent_multicast_count(date), do: try_get("message/delivery/multicast", date: date) @doc """ Calls the [Get number of sent broadcast messages]( API. """ @spec get_sent_broadcast_count(date :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_sent_broadcast_count(date), do: try_get("message/delivery/broadcast", date: date) @doc """ Calls the [Get number of message deliveries]( API. """ @spec get_sent_message_count(date :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_sent_message_count(date), do: try_get("insight/message/delivery", date: date) @doc """ Calls the [Get number of followers]( API. """ @spec get_follower_count(date :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_follower_count(date), do: try_get("insight/followers", date: date) @doc """ Calls the [Get friend demographics]( API. """ @spec get_follower_demographics() :: api_response() def get_follower_demographics(), do: try_get("insight/demographic") @doc """ Calls the [Get profile]( API. """ @spec get_profile(user_id :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_profile(user_id), do: try_get("profile/#{user_id}") @doc """ Calls the [Get group member user IDs]( API. """ @spec get_group_member_ids(group_id :: String.t(), start :: binary() | nil) :: api_response() def get_group_member_ids(group_id, start \\ nil) do start = if start, do: [start: start], else: [] try_get("group/#{group_id}/members/ids", start) end @doc """ Calls the [Get group member profile]( API. """ @spec get_group_member_profile(group_id :: String.t(), user_id :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_group_member_profile(group_id, user_id) do try_get("group/#{group_id}/member/#{user_id}") end @doc """ Calls the [Leave group]( API. """ @spec leave_group(group_id :: String.t()) :: api_response() def leave_group(group_id), do: try_post("group/#{group_id}/leave") @doc """ Calls the [Get room member user IDs]( API. """ @spec get_room_member_ids(room_id :: String.t(), start :: binary() | nil) :: api_response() def get_room_member_ids(room_id, start \\ nil) do start = if start, do: [start: start], else: [] try_get("room/#{room_id}/members/ids", start) end @doc """ Calls the [Get room member profile]( API. """ @spec get_room_member_profile(room_id :: String.t(), user_id :: String.t()) :: api_response() def get_room_member_profile(room_id, user_id), do: try_get("room/#{room_id}/member/#{user_id}") @doc """ Calls the [Leave room]( API. """ @spec leave_room(room_id :: String.t()) :: api_response() def leave_room(room_id), do: try_post("room/#{room_id}/leave") @doc """ Calls the [Issue link token]( API. """ @spec issue_link_token(user_id :: String.t()) :: api_response() def issue_link_token(user_id), do: try_post("user/#{user_id}/linkToken") end