defmodule LineBot.APIClient do use GenServer use HTTPoison.Base require Logger @token_server Application.get_env(:line_bot, :token_server, LineBot.TokenServer) @moduledoc """ An implementation of `HTTPoison.Base` for making API calls to the Messaging API. ## API Client This module is for creating and sending HTTP requests manually. To use the documented messaging API endpoints, use the `LineBot` module, which calls the functions in this module. ## Implementation This module extends `HTTPoison.Base` with the following behaviour: * The `Authorization` header containing the bearer token is automatically added. The access token is retreived from `LineBot.TokenServer`. * URLs are automatically prefixed with ``. When making a request, only the path after this prefix is required. * JSON responses are automatically decoded. * POST requests are automatically encoded into JSON, and the appropriate `Content-Type` header is added. * 401 Unauthorized errors are caught. When an unauthorized request is received, an attempt to retrieve a new access token is made by calling `LineBot.TokenServer.purge/0`. However, after three successive unauthorized errors, further unauthorized responses are returned directly. """ # GenServer ############ @impl GenServer def init(_), do: {:ok, 0} @impl GenServer def handle_call(:get_and_inc_auth_fail, _from, count), do: {:reply, count, count + 1} @impl GenServer def handle_call(:reset, _from, _count), do: {:reply, :ok, 0} def start_link(opts) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__) end # HTTPoison ############ @impl HTTPoison.Base @doc "Prepends the request url with ``." def process_request_url(url), do: super("" <> url) @impl HTTPoison.Base @doc """ Adds the OAuth Bearer token to the `Authorization` header. The token is retrieved by calling `LineBot.TokenServer.get_token/0`. Also adds the `User-Agent` header with a value of `line-botsdk-elixir/vX.X.X`. This follows the pattern of Line Bot libraries in other languages. """ def process_request_headers(headers) do [ {"Authorization", "Bearer #{@token_server.get_token()}"}, {"User-Agent", "line-botsdk-elixir/v#{Application.spec(:line_bot, :vsn)}"} | super(headers) ] end @impl HTTPoison.Base @doc """ If the reponse headers indidate that the response is JSON, the response body is automatically decoded. """ def process_response(%{headers: headers, body: body} = response) do # TODO make this configurable Logger.debug("API Response: " <> inspect(response)) case Enum.find(headers, &(String.downcase(elem(&1, 0)) == "content-type")) do {_, "application/json" <> _} -> put_in(response.body, Jason.decode!(body)) _ -> super(response) end end @impl HTTPoison.Base @doc """ Issues a POST request to the given url. The body is automatically encoded into JSON, and the `Content-Type` header is added. """ def post(url, body, headers \\ []) do super(url, Jason.encode!(body), [{"Content-Type", "application/json"} | headers]) end @impl HTTPoison.Base @doc """ Issues a POST request to the given url. The body is automatically encoded into JSON, and the `Content-Type` header is added. """ def post!(url, body, headers \\ []) do super(url, Jason.encode!(body), [{"Content-Type", "application/json"} | headers]) end @impl HTTPoison.Base @doc """ In addition to the `HTTPoison.request/5` behaviour, will automatically refresh the access token after an unauthorized request. Gives up after three subsequent unauthorized errors. """ def request(method, url, body, headers, opts \\ []) do case super(method, url, body, headers, opts) do {:ok, %{status_code: 200} = response} -> {:via, Registry, {LineBot.Registry, "client"}}, :reset) {:ok, response} {:ok, %{status_code: 401} = response} -> if, :get_and_inc_auth_fail) < 3 do Logger.warn("Unauthorized. Purge token and try again.") @token_server.purge() request(method, url, body, headers, opts) else Logger.warn("Unauthorized after multiple attempts with different tokens. Giving up.") {:ok, response} end other -> other end end end