defmodule LineBot.TokenServer do @http Application.get_env(:line_bot, :api_client, HTTPoison) defmodule Behaviour do @moduledoc false @callback get_token() :: binary @callback revoke_token() :: term @callback purge() :: term end use GenServer @behaviour Behaviour require Logger @moduledoc """ A GenServer that manages the [OAuth token]( for Line API calls. This server is started automatically by the `:line_bot` application, and requires the `:client_id`, and `:client_secret` to have been configured. The current token is retrieved with `get_token/0`, which also fetches a new token from the auth server if the current one has expired (or has never been fetched). """ ## Server @impl GenServer def init(_) do state = %{ token: nil, expires_on: DateTime.utc_now(), client_id: Application.fetch_env!(:line_bot, :client_id), client_secret: Application.fetch_env!(:line_bot, :client_secret) } {:ok, state} end @impl GenServer def handle_call(:token, _from, state) do state = case, DateTime.utc_now()) do :gt -> state _ -> refresh_token(state) end {:reply, state.token, state} end @impl GenServer def handle_call(:revoke, from, state) do post_revoke_token(state.token) handle_call(:purge, from, state) end @impl GenServer def handle_call(:purge, _from, state) do {:reply, :ok, %{state | token: nil, expires_on: DateTime.utc_now()}} end defp refresh_token(state) do {token, expires_in} = post_request_token(state.client_id, state.client_secret) # Set the expiry 5 minutes earlier, to avoid edge cases expires_on = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), expires_in - 300, :second)"Retrieved new access token that expires on #{expires_on}.") %{state | token: token, expires_on: expires_on} end defp headers do [ {"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, {"User-Agent", "line-botsdk-elixir/v#{Application.spec(:line_bot, :vsn)}"} ] end defp post_request_token(client_id, client_secret) do data = [ grant_type: "client_credentials", client_id: client_id, client_secret: client_secret ] %{"access_token" => access_token, "expires_in" => expires_in} = "" |>!({:form, data}, headers()) |> Map.get(:body) |> Jason.decode!() {access_token, expires_in} end defp post_revoke_token(access_token) do!( "", {:form, [access_token: access_token]}, headers() ) end ## Client @doc false def start_link(opts) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__) end @doc """ Gets the currently stored token. If the token has expired, a new token is retrieved. """ @impl Behaviour def get_token() do, :token) end @doc """ Revokes the current access token. This revokes the token with the API server, so the token will become invalid and cannot be used elsewhere. A new token will be retrieved on the next call to `get_token/0`. """ @impl Behaviour def revoke_token() do, :revoke) end @doc """ Purges the current access token. This only removes the token from this process' state, it does not revoke the token. A new token will be retrieved on the next call to `get_token/0`. To revoke the token, use `revoke_token/0`. """ @impl Behaviour def purge() do, :purge) end end