defmodule LineBot.APIClientTest do use ExUnit.Case import Mox alias LineBot.APIClient describe "Failure counter server" do test "initialises to 0" do assert APIClient.init(nil) == {:ok, 0} end test "get_and_inc_auth_fail fetches and increments count" do assert APIClient.handle_call(:get_and_inc_auth_fail, nil, 1) == {:reply, 1, 2} end test "reset resets the auth count" do assert APIClient.handle_call(:reset, nil, 123_123) == {:reply, :ok, 0} end end describe "HTTPoison.Base" do test "process_request_url adds prefix" do assert "" == APIClient.process_request_url("foo") end test "process_response passes through non-json responses" do response = %HTTPoison.Response{headers: [], body: "opaque"} assert response == APIClient.process_response(response) end test "process_repsonse decodes json responses" do content_type = {"content-type", "application/json"} response = %HTTPoison.Response{headers: [content_type], body: ~S'{"foo":"bar"}'} assert %{"foo" => "bar"} == APIClient.process_response(response).body end test "process_request_headers adds auth and user-agent headers" do expect(MockTokenServer, :get_token, fn -> "dummy_token" end) expect(MockTokenServer, :get_token, fn -> "changed_token" end) assert [ {"Authorization", "Bearer dummy_token"}, {"User-Agent", "line-botsdk-elixir/v" <> _} ] = APIClient.process_request_headers([]) assert [ {"Authorization", "Bearer changed_token"}, {"User-Agent", "line-botsdk-elixir/v" <> _}, {"other", "header"} ] = APIClient.process_request_headers([{"other", "header"}]) end # TODO these call super. Not sure how to test them without calling HTTPoison. # test "post adds json header and encodes" # test "post! adds json header and encodes" # TODO Test failure counter with global state? # What we really want to do here is start up an independent one for this test # can check the state against that. However, current code hardwires the process name. # Can we just test against the global object? # setup do # start_supervised(APIClient) # :ok # end # request # 200 => {ok, response} # 401 when < 3, purges token server and tries again # 401 when >= 3, {:ok, repsonse} # other => other end end