# Line Bot This package provides the basic framework required to implement and run a Line Bot. There are two main modules in this package: 1. `LineBot` provides helpers to call the various APIs, for example `LineBot.send_reply/3` to reply to an event. This module also defines callbacks for you to implement, which are called when your bot receives events from the Line server. 2. `LineBot.Webhook` provides a `Plug` for handling HTTP requests from the line server, and forwarding them to your callback module, which should implement the `LineBot` behaviour. ## Installation Add `:line_bot` to your mix deps: ```elixir defp deps do [ {:line_bot, path: "~> 0.1.0"} ] end ``` ## Features 1. Defines callbacks (see `LineBot`) to handle all of the possible [events](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#webhook-event-objects) a bot can receive. 1. Provides a plug (`LineBot.Webhook`) to automatically verify, decode, and dispatch webhook requests a bot received. 1. Provides API helpers (see `LineBot`) for all of the documented Messaging API endpoints. * Automatically retrieves, maintains, renews, and injects the access token into API requests a bot makes. * When necessary, automatically handles encoding and decoding of JSON and adding the required HTTP headers. 1. Defines structs for all of the available message types, to allow for compile-time checking. See `LineBot.Message`. ## Getting Started ### 1. Configure OAuth credentials for your bot. Credentials are available from the [Line Developers](https://developers.line.biz/) site. The credentials are called `Channel ID` and `Channel secret` on the developers site. In `config/config.exs`: ```elixir import Config config :line_bot, client_id: YOUR_CHANNEL_ID client_secret: YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET ``` ### 2. Create a module that implements the `LineBot` behaviour to handle callbacks. The recommended way to do this is to `use LineBot`, which will create default callbacks handlers, and then override the events you want to handle. The default implementations return without doing anything. An example is available in the [sample application](https://github.com/adamu/line_bot/tree/master/sample). ### 3. Forward webhook requests to `LineBot.Webhook`, and tell it your callback module. Using `Plug.Router`, this can be done as follows: ```elixir forward "/bot", to: LineBot.Webhook, callback: YourCallbackModule ``` The forwarded URL should be whatever you specified as the callback URI on the Line Developers site. For detailed instructions, see `LineBot.Webhook`. You can also check the [sample application](https://github.com/adamu/line_bot/tree/master/sample). ## Not implemented ### Rich Menu API The [Rich Menu API](https://developers.line.biz/en/reference/messaging-api/#rich-menu) is not currently implemented, although `LineBot.APIClient` can be used to call the API manually. For example, you can post to the rich menu API like this: ```elixir menu = %{ "areas" => [ %{ "action" => %LineBot.Message.Action.URI{uri: "http://example.com"}, "bounds" => %{"height" => 1686, "width" => 2500, "x" => 0, "y" => 0} } ], "chatBarText" => "test", "name" => "test", "selected" => false, "size" => %{"height" => 1686, "width" => 2500} } LineBot.APIClient.post("richmenu", menu) ``` And get like this: ```elixir LineBot.APIClient.get("richmenu/list") ``` ### Flex Message Update Recent additions to the Flex message API have not been added yet.