
103 lines
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defmodule LineBot.Webhook do
use Plug.Router
require Logger
@moduledoc """
This module is a `Plug` that handles incoming events from the Line server, and forwards
them to your `LineBot` callback.
It is recommended that you set up your own `Plug.Router`, and forward requests to the
webhook URL to this plug, like this:
forward "/bot", to: LineBot.Webhook, callback: YourCallbackModule
This plug will read, validate, and parse the request body, so it must not appear
in the same pipeline as other plugs such as `Plug.Parsers` that also read the request body.
Note: The _verify_ button in the Developer Center when saving the webhook URL sends
dummy data. This module replies to that request directly, rather than forwarding the
request to your callback.
## Skipping Validation
By default, requests are validated against the [X-Line-Signature]( header. If the signature cannot be validated, a `403 Forbidden` response is returned.
During development, it may be convenient to temporarily disable this behaviour. This can be achieved via configuration by setting `:skip_validation` to `true`.
config :line_bot, skip_validation: true
plug :check_not_already_parsed
plug LineBot.BodyReaderPlug
plug LineBot.ValidatorPlug
plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:json],
json_decoder: Jason,
body_reader: {LineBot.BodyReaderPlug, :read_cached_body, []}
plug LineBot.RequestLoggerPlug, level: :debug
plug :match
plug :put_callback, builder_opts()
plug :dispatch
post "/", do: dispatch_events(conn)
match "/", do: send_resp(conn, :method_not_allowed, "")
match _, do: send_resp(conn, :not_found, "")
@impl true
@doc """
Called when this plug is initialized. Expects an implementation of `LineBot` to be
passed as the `:callback` option.
def init(opts) do
case Keyword.fetch(opts, :callback) do
{:ok, callback} -> callback
:error -> raise "Must provide callback module: LineBot.Webhook, callback: YourModule"
defp dispatch_events(
body_params: %{
"events" => [%{"source" => %{"userId" => "Udeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"}} | _]
} = conn
) do
Logger.debug("handled webhoook verify request")
send_resp(conn, :ok, "")
defp dispatch_events(
private: %{line_bot_callback: callback},
body_params: %{"destination" => destination, "events" => events}
} = conn
) do
Task.Supervisor.start_child(LineBot.TaskSupervisor, fn ->
LineBot.Dispatcher.dispatch_events(events, destination, callback)
send_resp(conn, :ok, "")
defp dispatch_events(%Plug.Conn{private: %{line_bot_raw_body: request}} = conn) do
Logger.warn("Unrecognised request: #{request}")
send_resp(conn, :bad_request, "Unrecognised request")
defp check_not_already_parsed(%Plug.Conn{body_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{}} = conn, _opts) do
defp check_not_already_parsed(conn, _opts) do
Logger.error("Request must not be parsed by Plug.Parsers before reaching LineBot.Webhook")
|> send_resp(:internal_server_error, "Body parsed before reaching Line Bot Webhook")
|> halt()
defp put_callback(conn, callback), do: put_private(conn, :line_bot_callback, callback)